What says Caesar? Thumbs up or thumbs down?
In our modern world we sadly no longer speak of heroes. Instead, we vapidly describe those we admire as mentors, role models, and exemplars. That’s fine I guess, just as long as have someone we look up to.

I am a bit of a throwback, however, and am proud to say that the Just Average movement has good old-fashioned heroes—those who are an example in being average or fight the good fight on our behalf. I honor these august figures in the Pantheon section.

Similarly, there are those who are just too hard to believe. Their gifts and accomplishments are so great as to be otherworldly. These human rockets, therefore, find a home in the “Seriously?” column.

Now it is against the Just Average Inc. ethos for us to hold malice against our betters, to envy them, or to begrudge them their hard work and devotion. Yet we do need to hold them to task—to point out their foibles, roll our eyes at their pretensions, and nudge them when they take themselves far too seriously.

You see, self-importance makes us like a bloated dirigible that lolls around the skies with its mooring lines untethered from the reality of earth. In other words, it makes us a big fat target worthy of a bit of a tweak of the nose and a gentle poke in the ribs. Should you as the reader have someone you would like to nominate for either section, please let us know and I will try to give them a thumbs up or down.

The patron saint of Just Average Inc.
A Cad Par Excellence
Indolence embodied, exemplified, and celebrated
How Much Energy Can One Man Have?
Serious men with really cool walkie-talkies
A positive poke at the purveyors of pessimism
Hard to feel sorry for them but they often need our help